This past Spring, Ginny Ruffer, Josef Vascovitz, Lisa Goodman, Gaylen Vaden and myself started hosting Art + Science Dinner the Ginny's amazing home/studio/garden. We have been bringing together artists, philosophers, scientists and other interested folks to further conversations and synergies. Another local group formed around the same time. Phillip Thurtle, Sidhardth Ramakrishnan, Steven Oscherwitz and Rebecca Cummins rounded up a similar group of artists, scientists, and theorists interested in discussing the relationship of art, technology, and science. Their members come from diverse backgrounds (neuroscientist , plant biologist, cancer researcher, digital humanists, media artists, performance artist, etc…): some work at universities, some are practicing artists, and some work in laboratories or are in Seattle’s growing technological sector. That group is now knows as the Moleculare Shadows Salon...and we have begun to cross pollinate.
Further Alignment with Intersecting Communities of Interest and Practice:
This past Spring, Ginny Ruffer, Josef Vascovitz, Lisa Goodman, Gaylen Vaden and myself started hosting Art + Science Dinner the Ginny's amazing home/studio/garden. We have been bringing together artists, philosophers, scientists and other interested folks to further conversations and synergies. Another local group formed around the same timeTh. Phillip Thurtle, Sidhardth Ramakrishnan, Steven Oscherwitz and Rebecca Cummins rounded up a similar group of artists, scientists, and theorists interested in discussing the relationship of art, technology, and science. Their members come from diverse backgrounds (neuroscientist , plant biologist, cancer researcher, digital humanists, media artists, performance artist, etc…): some work at universities, some are practicing artists, and some work in laboratories or are in Seattle’s growing technological sector. We starting to cross pollinate. (Others include FOSAP, Science Dinners, 9 Evenings Festival, etc…)